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Pathfinder Player Character Folio Pdf Download

Pathfinder Player Character Folio Pdf Download

If you are a fan of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, you might be interested in downloading a PDF version of the Player Character Folio. This is a deluxe character record that covers everything you need to know about your Pathfinder hero, from abilities and skills to spells and equipment. In this article, we will explain what the Player Character Folio is, why you might want to use it, and where you can find it online.

Pathfinder Player Character Folio Pdf Download

What is the Player Character Folio?

The Player Character Folio is a 16-page document that allows you to record all the information about your Pathfinder character in a convenient and organized way. It has an innovative layout that means your character's most important details are always at your fingertips. The Player Character Folio includes:

  • A full page for Abilities, Saves, Attacks, and Defenses, including Hero Points from the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide.

  • A full page for Skills, with space to record your skill ranks, bonuses, and modifiers.

  • A background page, including room for titles, family, and contacts.

  • Well-organized Spellcasting pages that help track magic use, spell slots, prepared spells, and spell-like abilities.

  • Mini-Character sheets for Cohorts, Followers, Mounts, Familiars, Eidolons, or augmented summoned creatures you call upon regularly.

  • An Advancement page to log your progress as you level up, or plan ahead for future development.

  • Extra pages for note-keeping, such as inventory, treasure, feats, traits, and special abilities.

  • Two pockets to hold maps, watch lists, treasure lists, and other notes.

The Player Character Folio is designed to be compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide. It can also be used with other Pathfinder RPG products, such as the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary and the Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat.

Why use the Player Character Folio?

The Player Character Folio is a great tool for players who want to keep track of their character's details and progress in a clear and comprehensive way. It can help you avoid mistakes and confusion during gameplay, as well as enhance your roleplaying experience. Some of the benefits of using the Player Character Folio are:

  • It saves you time and hassle by providing all the information you need in one place.

  • It helps you optimize your character's performance by showing you your strengths and weaknesses.

  • It allows you to customize your character's appearance and personality by adding notes and illustrations.

  • It helps you remember your character's backstory and goals by providing space for writing them down.

  • It makes your character more memorable and unique by giving them a distinctive record.

Where to find the Player Character Folio PDF?

If you want to download the Player Character Folio PDF, you have several options. You can buy the official product from, which is a non-mint version that ships from their warehouse in 11 to 20 business days. You can also find free versions of the official character sheet on , which are printer-friendly or full-color versions that you can print or edit on your computer. Alternatively, you can find other versions of the character sheet created by fans or third-party publishers on various websites. For example, you can download a free PDF character sheet for Pathfinder First Edition from, or an editable PDF character sheet for Pathfinder Second Edition from Reddit.

Whichever version of the Player Character Folio PDF you choose, we hope you enjoy using it to create and manage your Pathfinder characters. Have fun exploring Golarion with your heroes!

: [Pathfinder RPG Character Sheets: The Best Free, Paid, and Fillable Sheets AshenVault] : [Pathfinder RPG Character Sheets: The Best Free, Paid, and Fillable Sheets AshenVault] : [ - Complete Character Folio (PFRPG)] : [printer-friendly version] : [full-color version] : [Pathfinder First Edition Character Sheet] : [PF2e Editable Character Sheet] How to use the Player Character Folio PDF?

Once you have downloaded the Player Character Folio PDF, you can use it to create and update your Pathfinder character. Depending on the version of the PDF you have, you can either print it out and fill it in by hand, or use a PDF reader or editor to fill it in digitally. Here are some tips on how to use the Player Character Folio PDF effectively:

  • Start by filling in the basic information about your character, such as name, race, class, level, alignment, and deity. You can also add a portrait or a sketch of your character in the space provided.

  • Next, fill in the Ability Scores page, where you can record your character's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores and modifiers. You can also record your Hit Points, Armor Class, Saving Throws, Combat Maneuver Bonus and Defense, Initiative, and Hero Points.

  • Then, fill in the Skills page, where you can record your character's skill ranks, bonuses, and modifiers for each skill. You can also mark which skills are class skills and which ones are trained only.

  • After that, fill in the Background page, where you can write down your character's origin story, personality traits, goals, allies, enemies, and contacts. You can also record your character's titles and honors, such as nobility rank or membership in a faction or organization.

  • If your character is a spellcaster or has spell-like abilities, fill in the Spellcasting pages. You can record your character's caster level, spell save DCs, concentration bonus, spell slots per day, spells known or prepared, and spell-like abilities. You can also mark which spells are from your class or domain list.

  • If your character has a cohort, follower, mount, familiar, eidolon, or augmented summoned creature that you use regularly, fill in the Mini-Character sheets for them. You can record their basic information and statistics as well as their special abilities and features.

  • If you want to plan ahead for your character's future development or keep track of your character's past achievements, fill in the Advancement page. You can record your character's experience points (XP), level progression (LP), ability score increases (ASI), feat choices (FC), trait choices (TC), and other milestones.

  • If you have any additional notes or information that you want to record about your character, such as inventory items, treasure loots, feats descriptions, traits descriptions, special abilities descriptions etc., fill in the Extra pages. You can also use these pages to draw maps or diagrams that are relevant to your character or campaign.

The Player Character Folio PDF is a handy tool that can help you create and manage your Pathfinder character with ease. By using it regularly, you can ensure that your character is always up-to-date and ready for adventure!

: [Pathfinder RPG Character Sheets: The Best Free, Paid, and Fillable Sheets AshenVault] How to get the most out of the Player Character Folio PDF?

The Player Character Folio PDF is not only a useful tool for creating and managing your Pathfinder character, but also a fun way to enhance your roleplaying experience. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of the Player Character Folio PDF:

  • Be creative and expressive when filling in the Background page. This is your chance to flesh out your character's personality, motivations, and history. You can also use this page to write down your character's quotes, catchphrases, or personal mottoes.

  • Use illustrations and colors to make your character sheet more visually appealing and unique. You can draw your own pictures or use online resources to find images that suit your character. You can also use different colors or fonts to highlight important information or show your character's mood.

  • Share your character sheet with your fellow players and GM. This can help you bond with your party members, get feedback on your character, and inspire each other with new ideas. You can also use your character sheet as a reference for roleplaying interactions or combat situations.

  • Update your character sheet regularly as your character grows and changes. You can use the Advancement page to keep track of your progress and plan ahead for future goals. You can also use the Extra pages to record memorable events, achievements, or challenges that your character faces during the campaign.

Have fun and enjoy playing your character! The Player Character Folio PDF is a tool that can help you create and manage your Pathfinder character, but ultimately, it is up to you to bring your character to life. Use your imagination, creativity, and passion to make your character a hero that you and others will love! Conclusion

The Player Character Folio PDF is a valuable resource for any Pathfinder player who wants to create and manage their character with ease and efficiency. It provides a comprehensive and organized way to record all the information about your character, from abilities and skills to spells and equipment. It also allows you to customize your character's appearance and personality, as well as plan ahead for their future development. By using the Player Character Folio PDF, you can enhance your roleplaying experience and enjoy playing your Pathfinder hero to the fullest!

We hope this article has helped you understand what the Player Character Folio PDF is, why you might want to use it, and where you can find it online. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank


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